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Our Ministries

Our passion is to bring people from all nations unto the knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ
Be inspired by biblical teaching from Rev Lekan Salami

27 Nov, 2024


Our mission is simple: to love God and to love others.

Our Ministries

Because We Can


“We come together for a greater cause and life celebration, love sharing and reading the holy book. He is the Greatest, Amen…”

TSC Family

“Our Church is open to everyone, young and adults, children and elderly people, that can participate in charity programs and events”


“Explore the world of faith, trust and friendship. Come to our church and meet people who will help you become a better version of you”

Rev Salami

“We come together for a greater cause and life celebration, love sharing and reading the holy book. He is the Greatest, Amen…”

TSC Family

“Our Church is open to everyone, young and adults, children and elderly people, that can participate in charity programs and events”


2-3 Aug, 2024

Conference "Never Ending Love"

More details

Upcoming Events

Calendar Spotlight

Atlanta Dunamis 2024

Sunday 17 Mar, 12:00 PM
Celebration Service
“That Even Now"


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